Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum - I smell the blood of a Politician
Is 2024 such a smorgasbord of democratic voting? Nearly one third of the world will be voting this year. It is a massive list from the obvious; USA, UK, Russia, Taiwan, Mexico, India to UN Security Council and EU Parliamentary representatives. In fact, for change of Heads of State to General Elections, the list is 37 countries from Algeria to Venezuela.
My first reaction is where can you go to avoid endless advertising! Do these visual scattershots with earnest pleas for your vote actually work, or just irritate viewers?
In the USA the stories are legion of people pumping tens if not hundreds of millions into elections for Senator, Governor or Congressman that fail! The proliferation of online media means nowhere is safe now. Whether Russian interference actually had any effect in US elections is moot as far as I am concerned. These intrusive messages, that on the whole are toe curlingly condescending, would make zip difference to my choice.